Saturday, May 16, 2020

Bullying in School Should Not be Taken Lightly Essay

Introduction to the problem Life as we know it today is full of many problems. Among all of the problems, bullying is likely to be the most serious and probably the worst. Statistics show that one in seven children in grades K-12 have either been bullied or are a bully. It’s likely that the issue of bullying is most common among teens. It is said that 30% of teens have been involved in bullying, as either the bully or the victim. Bullying is also common in the college and workplaces but it is now where as serious as teen bullying. This bullying is sort of taken lightly, it isn’t really taken seriously. Many school officials try to solve the problem by exploiting the issue and its results to students, but also isn’t taken seriously. Some†¦show more content†¦Also when the targets have difficulty stopping the behavior directly at them and struggle to defend themselves. Many definition’s include a statement about the â€Å"imbalance of power†, described as when the perso n with the bullying behavior has more power, either physically, socially, or emotionally, such as a higher social status, is physically larger or emotionally intimidating. Many definitions indicate that the bullying is â€Å"repeated†, but the reality is that bullying can be circumstantial or chronic. It might be the result of a single situation, such as being the new kid in school, being a new employee in the work place or it might be behavior that has been directed at the individual for a long period of time. It is also important to note that bullying is not just about the implications for those targeted by the behaviors, but that the behavior can impact everyone surrounded including those who witness the behavior or situation and those that engage in the behavior. There are different types of bullying. There is verbal bullying, social bullying, and physical bullying. Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean or hurtful thing. This includes teasing, name calling, inappropr iate sexual comments, black mailing, taunting or threatening to cause harm. Social bullying are sometimes referred to as relational bullying involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. ThisShow MoreRelatedBullying Persuasive Essay1247 Words   |  5 Pagesare victims of bullying each year. Bullying is a serious offence and shouldn’t be taken lightly, students around the world should be aware of what bullying does and how it affects the other person. Seventeen percent of American students report bullying two to three times a month or more within a school semester. Bullying has been occurring for years and bullying in schools was one of the first manifestations. 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